extend your reach
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extend your reach




strategic impact consulting

Expert insight and coaching to assist filmmakers and artist’s clarify long-term and short-term impact goals, audiences, potential partners, and step-by-step approaches to meeting those ends and achieving maximum success. This often includes recommendations for those seeking impact funding as well as recommendations for building an impact team.



Impact resources like Screening Guides, Discussion Guides, Lesson Plan, Reading List, and Healing Guides or Workshop aids are the backbone of strong impact campaigns. You’ll want to ensure your film, project, performance is properly contextualized and offers support materials so that your audiences can meet the story from where they enter, and do so feeling confident and prepared. I’ve created literally hundreds of resource and impact materials for non-fiction films and would be so glad to discuss your projects’ needs and timeline.


impact Research & Development

We investigate the current landscape of movements, organizational partners, and communities who are already doing the work in alignment with your impact goals and mission and provide resources from which you can build a more intentional strategy and partnerships. We also organize and facilitate focus groups and/or braintrusts from inviting professionals and industry leaders into focused conversations as thought partners to support your project.


review and revision of materials

For those of you wanting an extra set of eyes and a writer’s finesse applied to WIP materials including pitch decks, grant application materials, and treatments, then Step Ladder is here to support.


creative consulting/producing

With specific attention to non-fiction storytelling, story structure, critical framing and overall aims we collaborate with film teams and writers to finesse creative content, story, sharpen concepts, and refine initial ideas. My orientation this work is rooted in an intimate awareness of diverse communities, power, and histories.



As a trained qualitative researcher, I lend my professional skills to gathering impact data, data analysis, and the creation and desing of impact reports for campaigns of all sizes.


full scale production

Experienced in producing live performance, documentary films, events, screenings, music and poetry series, and more. Reach out to see if Step Ladder is a good fit for ensuring all components of your project are highly organized, fully supported, and fabulously executed!